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Use the Navigation Editor to create additional resource pages for your applicants.  These pages will display on your applicant site as a single tab titled “Additional Resources” on the navigation bar along with the system-generated tabs.  These pages will be available to anyone who visits your site.  They frequently include guidelines, best practices, or other important information for your applicants with regards to using the site and/or applying for your grants.   

NOTES: Once your applicant logs in, the Additional Resources tab will move to the end of the navigation bar list from left to right.  An applicant who is logged in will always see the Home, User Profile, Grant Applications & Forms, and optional Media Library tabs before Additional Resources. We recommend going to your applicant portal to view the format of these navigation pages. 

  1. You will navigate to the Front End Manager tab > Navigation Editor
  2. Click the Add web page button
  3. Enter the title of the page as you want it to appear to your applicants
  4. If you create multiple pages, you can set the sequence from top to bottom by toggling the Sequence dropdown
  5. Enter the content of your page into the Body field
    1. Learn more about the Text Editor tools
  6. Click the Add or Update button at the bottom to save your page
  7. Create additional pages by clicking the Add web page button
  8. Modify existing pages by clicking the Edit button
  9. Delete existing pages by clicking the Remove button