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Clicking this button atop any page of your cycles will open a new window in your browser that mimics what your applicants will see and how they will interact with this page. In the new window you will see a header in the top right that displays the Create New Account and Login buttons, but you will be able to see the page content as though you were logged in.

You will see 100% of the page content and you will be able to:

  • see all formatting exactly as your applicants will
  • enter responses and tick boxes and radio buttons
  • click the upload file buttons and review the upload modals
  • click the Save Work button and see error messages for unanswered required questions

NOTE: Links added to text fields and questions will not be clickable in the preview mode

The preview will help you quickly gauge any changes you need to make from the Cycle Pages editors; however, we strongly encourage you to create a test user and log in at least once as an applicant if you would like a full understanding of the applicant workflow and experience, from start to finish.

There will be a few instances where the previews of a page cannot fully display the behavior that your applicants will experience simply because the page relies heavily on your applicant’s own content or journey.

Here are a few pages that may appear differently in Preview mode than they do for your applicants:

Intent to Apply Pages
If your cycle has an Intent to Apply and it is set it to populate into the application, the preview will not display that Intent to Apply as part of the Application table of contents, though your applicants will see it as part of the Application table of contents if they have appropriately completed the Intent to Apply and have moved forward to the application.Media Library Selection Pages
The Media Library Selection pages dynamically adjust based upon the applicant’s media library, so you will not be able to see a preview exactly as it appears to applicants. Preview mode will display your instructional text for both sections and the attachment section with your image file size and number settings.

Multiple Submission Pages
You will be able to see how the Multiple Submission page initially displays to your applicants prior to them saving the first set of responses for the page, but you will not see how the page behaves after saving.