Making Grants Management Inclusive: GO Smart’s Partnership with ArtsHERE

Over the last year, the GO Smart team has continued to streamline the cloud-based collection and management of application data for clients and strives to be the most inclusive, accessible, and equitable grants management solution for the arts and beyond. With that, we’re excited to share that GO Smart has been selected as the universal […]
Grant Manager Dashboard – Manage Applications and Review Applicant Data
Mass Mailer – Email All Applicants in a Status
If you need to immediately email all applicants in one or several statuses, use the Mass Mailer tool. Navigate to the Grant Manager tab > Mass Mailer subtab. Select your program and cycle from the drop-down menu. Check the status(es) of applicants to whom you want to send a message. Click Select. The Email Editor […]
Email an Individual Applicant
If you need to email an individual applicant, you have several options. You can: Navigate to the Applicant tab > Applicant Search subtab. Search for the applicant using any field. Click the email in the search results and your email server will open. Navigate to the Grant Manager > Grant Manager Dashboard. Select the program […]
Status Mailer – Create Auto-Generated Emails
Once you have completed building your cycle, you may want to create auto-generated emails that will be sent to your applicants based on their statuses. The most common of these is a confirmation email that will go to applicants after they submit their application; however, you can create emails that will automatically be sent when […]
Allow Applicants to Submit or Resubmit an Application After the Deadline
After your application deadline has passed, you will likely receive a couple of applicant requests to submit, or modify and resubmit, their applications. Rather than changing the deadline date, which would allow every applicant to apply and submit an application after the deadline, you can simply change the status of selected application(s) to “Exception.” Doing […]