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Launch Additional Programs

You can use these steps of creating your first program to create all additional programs from scratch. Alternatively, after creating one cycle of a program, you can use that cycle content to create the first cycle of a similar program.  Creating a new program this way will clone the details and settings of the Program Cycles […]

Launch Additional Cycles

After offering your initial cycle of a program, you will likely need to prepare for your next cycle (aka, the next offering of your grant opportunity). Navigate to the Grant Editor tab and follow the steps below to simply clone the previous cycle of that program to create your new cycle. Creating a new cycle will clone the details and settings of the Program […]

GO Smart Statuses

GO Smart Statuses Admin will manage the progress of an applicant’s cycle activity by using the statuses on the Grant Manager dashboard. Some statuses occur automatically based on applicants’ actions from their Current Programs & Applications page. Other statuses must be manually selected by an admin in order to determine the progress of the application. Admin […]

Program Cycles – Understanding the Fields

Review the descriptions below to better understand the functionality of each field and determine all the ways you and your applicants may interact with the cycle. CONFIGURE CYCLES APPLICANT ACCESS DATES ADDITIONAL TEXT CLONE TOOLS CONFIGURE CYCLES The first tab of the program cycles editor is the Configure Cycle tab where you will create primary […]

Cycle Pages – Page Types

While you are creating the forms of your grant opportunities, consider the types of pages you will add to each. Hover over the page types below to learn more about all of your page options. INTENT TO APPLY Best for: Intent to Apply Letter of Intent Eligibility Survey INTENT TO APPLY Learn more here. CUSTOM NARRATIVE Best […]

Allow Applicants to Submit or Resubmit an Application After the Deadline

After your application deadline has passed, you will likely receive a couple of applicant requests to submit, or modify and resubmit, their applications. Rather than changing the deadline date, which would allow every applicant to apply and submit an application after the deadline, you can simply change the status of selected application(s) to “Exception.” Doing […]

Testing and Previewing Your New Cycle

If you are a newer admin user of GO Smart or you have created a new program and cycle, we recommend that you access and review it as an applicant would before inviting them to apply.  This helps you to better understand what your applicants will experience and will better position you to answer questions […]